How to develop a one page strategy for training and development

6 steps beginning with ‘a’ and they all should fit on one A4 page. How neat is that? (thank you Robin Hoyle)

  1. AIM – what is the aim of the training activities? for instance, do you want your training to operate at zero cost to the business?
  2. AUDIENCE – identify your audience. It is unlikely that you are able to deliver a gold plated service to all members of the organisation so prioritise who to focus on (leaders, sales people, change agents)
  3. ACTIVITIES – what elements of training will be included: courses, elearning, on the job, coaching, blended learning
  4. ASSESSMENT – how will effectiveness of the programme be assessed? Of course these should be the metrics which your business is already using. For instance, a growth in new business or 20% increase in retention of existing customers.
  5. ACTIONS – what actions are the training and development unit going to undertake to make the strategy happen.
  6. ASSISTANCE – what assistance do you need to deliver the strategy?