1 Smile is worth 2,000 bars of chocolate

From TED.com Ron Gutman reviews a raft of studies about smiling, and reveals some surprising results. Did you know your smile can be a predictor of how long you’ll live — and that a simple smile has a measurable effect on your overall well-being? Prepare to flex a few facial muscles as you learn more … Continued

The power of local eco projects

Another riveting TED talk on the value of local projects – to the bottom line, to the environment, to build skills. http://tinyurl.com/2f5qlf3

Are we educating kids in redundant skills?

Daniel PinkĀ  talks about how our education system lags about 20 years behind what industry requires – now we need skills in conceptual thinking and creativity and not routines/standardisation and how to pass tests (particularly multiple choice tests). Listen here.