Goal setting for everyone

As some of you may know, I’ve started an MSC in Applied Positive Psychology. As part of my reading I came across a very interesting piece of empirical research about goal setting. Of course, being a naive student I forget to footnote it! What was interesting about it was that the research found that the … Continued

HR Beating Recession – 5 things to do

During recessions it is often HR, and in particular, OD and Learning and Development, who find themselves ‘cut’ early in the redundancy process, that is unless they have particular skills or know how in redundancy procedures. I know my pipeline has been adversely impacted as I’ve seen my clients’ budgets slashed.  It’s in my best … Continued

Don’t go with your gut….

According to the results of a study by workplace psychologists OPP, 71% of all line managers would change the people decisions they’ve made if given a second chance. It’s an indictment on the “gut instinct” culture that costs UK businesses millions of pounds in performance issues each year. Worryingly, nearly four in ten (39%) line … Continued

How to get what you want….

I’ve been writing some emails on behalf of a client and thought I should start sharing these gems via the blog. So here goes my first one… Have you ever thought about the best way to get what you want? How is it that others around you seem to get what they want and you … Continued