How important is self-esteem in the workplace?

  We all know that having good self-esteem is a key part of happiness. If we don’t believe in ourselves how will we ever achieve our goals or feel grateful for the things we have? There is plenty of information about self-esteem in relationships, friendships and everyday life but just how important is it in … Continued

What if we combined strengths based recruitment with the discipline of competency based recruitment?

  As many people who read my intermittent blogs know, I am an advocate of strengths based everything – recruitment, coaching and feedback. However, recently I am becoming increasingly concerned about the beneficial claims made of strengths based recruitment combined with the criticisms largely directed at competency based recruitment. Competencies were ground breaking, fair and … Continued

How to develop a one page strategy for training and development

6 steps beginning with ‘a’ and they all should fit on one A4 page. How neat is that? (thank you Robin Hoyle) AIM – what is the aim of the training activities? for instance, do you want your training to operate at zero cost to the business? AUDIENCE – identify your audience. It is unlikely … Continued

What if organisations addressed the causes of stress?

When Harvard Business School and Standford’s Graduate School came together to undertake research into work based stress, they discovered that work stressors were killing 120,000 people annually. Causes were long hours, economic insecurity at lower levels of organisations exacerbated by uncertainty over contracts and low pay. In the UK we struggle with many of the … Continued

What if leaders focused on progress?

What is the impact on our performance of day to day, small and seemingly inconsequential interactions? Teresa Amabile is the Edsel Bryant Ford Professor of Business Administration and a Director of Research at Harvard Business School. Originally educated as a chemist, Teresa received her doctorate in psychology from Stanford University. She studies how everyday life … Continued

The rise of strengths-based recruitment and how to make it work

As I attended a conference yesterday focused on strengths int the workplace, I was reminded of the benefits of strengths based recruitment, but also some of its challenges. There is growing evidence to suggest that there are huge benefits to organisations when their employees get to use their strengths in the workplace. Being able to … Continued

Why successful hiring managers use psychometric testing

The reasons why successful hiring managers use psychometric testing   According to the CIPD, the average cost of filling a job vacancy can range anywhere from £4,000 all the way up to £10,000 for a senior manager. When you include the associated labour turnover costs of a bad hire and then implementing the recruitment process … Continued

What if we got to use our strengths every day?

There is a growing canon of research on the benefits to organisations when employees get to use their strengths at work. Using your strengths every day increases engagement, meaning and job satisfaction. That translates to lower employee turnover and absenteeism. In addition, leveraging strengths is key to releasing creativity as it increases the amount of … Continued