Who uses Facebook, Twitter and Linked In

This is interesting. It occured to me that if you’re trying to attract or sell to High Net Worth Individuals social media doesn’t quite cut it at the moment. http://www.wearetechmap.com/wp-content/uploads/social-media-demographics9.png

A word of caution

The measure of an entrepreneur used to be the number of real friends claimed, but times have changed. Now the measure is how many hits one has on a Google name search, factored by some formula, like the sum of all positive messages minus 100 for every negative message. That’s the reason every good parent … Continued

HR Beating Recession – 5 things to do

During recessions it is often HR, and in particular, OD and Learning and Development, who find themselves ‘cut’ early in the redundancy process, that is unless they have particular skills or know how in redundancy procedures. I know my pipeline has been adversely impacted as I’ve seen my clients’ budgets slashed.  It’s in my best … Continued