Appreciation – because they’re worth it

You would imagine that, with all that has been said and written about appreciation and saying ‘thank you’, there would be an abundance of it around. So are you getting too much appreciation? Do you find that you have to filter out emails with “Thank You” in the title? Are you so fed up of … Continued

Why ‘Why’ is so important

Simon Sinek’s TED talk on How Great Leaders Inspire Action has been viewed over 29,000,000 times at the time of writing this blog. His talk focuses on the importance of asking why a business exists – the meaning and purpose behind the balance sheet – to inspire and motivate employees. At the organisational level, understanding … Continued

Bad news is like bind weed

In most jobs we are required to deliver bad news – whether it be redundancy, a ticking off in performance, or yet another managing expectations discussion around pay and promotion. Sharing bad news is something most of us dread doing and we tend to either do it badly, in a rush or put it off … Continued

How organisations destroy meaning in 7 easy steps

In an earlier blog I quoted an article by Catherine Bailey and Adrian Madden which highlighted the very personalised aspect of meaning and purpose at work. Each individual experienced meaning in a different and often intangible way – what was meaningful for one person was not necessarily so for another. This raises the question as … Continued

What makes your work meaningful?

Workers undertaking meaningful work experience better health, greater levels of job satisfaction and more satisfying relationships with peers compared with those who lack meaning in their lives and work. The chance to undertake meaningful work is therefore something to which we all should aspire and which organisations need to understand.  However, there is very little … Continued

Choosing the meaningful action

Work today is organised upon principles outlined by Adam Smith 150 years ago and that’s not serving us well.   As a reminder, Smith believed that people are inherently lazy and won’t do anything unless motivated or bribed, preferably with a salary. As individuals don’t enjoy working, the best thing we can do for them … Continued

Strengths overplayed – how many Donald Trumps lurk in your organisation?

How do you ensure an individual’s unique strengths add value, and continue to add value, even when circumstances change? Some of you may have been taking an interest in the US election drama unfolding across the water. Donald Trump’s unexpected popularity in the Republican Presidential nominee race provides us with a fantastic example of strengths … Continued

Reframing performance management

We are well aware of the dissatisfaction with performance management in many organisations. In fact as many as 86% of organisations have either recently changed or are about to change their performance management processes – some quite radically (Deloitte, 2014). One of the major criticisms is a manager’s ability to handle critical or negative feedback … Continued

Millennnial meaning and how to discover it for ourselves

During hardened economic times, such as these we have been experiencing since 2008, material success is much more difficult to come by.  As a result, individuals come to rethink what constitutes success. Success during times of economic hardship becomes less about material prosperity and more about something else. Millennials are looking for something else.. It … Continued

What if we could develop authenticity in our leaders?

Being an authentic leader is what we all crave. But in our day to day interactions we are often required to undertake activities which pull us away from being authentic. This can makes us feel fake or uncomfortable and these feelings are  transparent to those around us. Karissa Thacker is a workplace psychologist, executive coach, … Continued